OptiCheck version information
- Version 2.0(99)
- - corrected barcode reading with Scan_connector program.
- - corrected menisc-image rotation in comp- and tune-modes.
- Version 2.0(98)
- - corrected error-codes list.
- Version 2.0(97)
- - corrected inspection results, depends of ink-mark selection.
- - corrected mistake in steps of "menisc" operation - not right cleaned previous step colors.
- - corrected procedure change components "all-like" to active selected component, with right rotation.
- - set tolerances control by plan-image dimension instead off matrix-dimension.
- - added check and corretion Plan matrix dimension when plan loaded.
- - new threshold for control component rotation calculation.
- Version 2.0(96)
- - corrected the path, where save "Scan_connector.ini" file.
- Version 2.0(95)
- - saved selected scanner into "scan_connector.ini" for use by Scan_Connector.exe.
- Version 2.0(94)
- - moved "read-barcode-block" into RUN mode to inspect process directly.
- Version 2.0(93)
- - corrected component leads moves objects, when pcb has rotate angle.
- - added pcb side support (top, back) for use in result text and special-images files.
- Version 2.0(92)
- - added manual barcode reader support: read barcode in Run-mode, save in text-results file, save barcodes list.
- - added general options for element's operations execution.
- Version 2.0(91)
- - optimized time for inspection by coping current component model only.
- - optimized time for save results of inspection into text file.
- - save component model-name in field "mark" into text file.
- - corrected mistake with showing bads-components results in Test-mode.
- - added option to start OptiCheck without password control.
- - corrected current model name in component and after converting.
- Version 2.0(90)
- - corrected mistake with component tolerance, if board has rotate angle.