Modern Production Technologies...
With the increasing miniaturisation of components in electronic assembly,
previous methods of inspection using the naked eye can prove to be unreliable
due to tiredness, loss of concentration etc.
...requires the optical inspection...
Automatic inspection eliminates errors caused by the human element when inspecting
for assembly faults on a PCB. OptiCheck ensures total inspection in the process from
the first to the last PCB.
...within the production process
The OptiCheck system can be perfectly integrated into the production line.
It offers network compatibility and interprocess communication without high cost.
is an efficient and flexible system for automatic optical
inspection of printed boards.
works on the principle of image comparism, basic modern colour
image processing and recognition methods.
It follows the listed stages:
The scanning unit, the scan box for offline operation,
or the inline system scans the board and offers a colour
image to the computer for validation
Following a pre-defined check plan the system checks
the single items using algorithms stored in a component library.
Like a placement plan OptiCheck „knows“ at which position
a component has to be found
offers a low sales price which will be rapidly payed off.
And that although containing a most powerful and covering
software platform.